There’s always tons of great content available to stream, and sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming – which is why we’ve rounded up our top picks of what to stream today below.

Plus, we tell you how you can check everything out for free.

See our choices here:

The Boys

The season finale of The Boys drops tomorrow, so today is your last chance to catch up on season 2 (our recap of the most recent episode is here).

Fans are curious if the finale has leaked – currently there don’t seem to be any leaks online. If you’re eager to find out what happens, there’s not very long to wait for the new episode to drop. New episodes of The Boys tend to hit Amazon Prime Video around midnight.

You can stream both seasons of The Boys with a 30 day free trial from Amazon Prime Video now.

The Salisbury Poisonings

All 4 episodes of this TV show are available to stream on AMC+ now.

The series is based on the true story of the 2018 Novichok poisonings in Salisbury and Amesbury, England.

You can get a 7 day free trial of AMC+ on Amazon Prime Video now, which means you can watch the entire series free today.

Gangs of London

Season 1 of Gangs of London is available on Amazon Prime Video with an AMC+ 7 day free trial today.

The series sees the fallout of the death of a powerful crime lord in London, England – with his son trying to take his place. Expect brutal action and intense power struggles in this show.

The Fungies!

Season 1B of this charming animated series hits HBO Max today.

The series is set in Fungietown, where fungi, dinosaurs and trees all live together – and talk to each other.

The Fungies! can appeal to kids and adults alike with its educational value and surprising sense of humor.

You can check out the series now with a 7 day free trial from HBO Max.

HBO Max can also be added to a Hulu plan with a 7 day free trial, and Hulu offer their own 30 day free trial to sample their extensive library.

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