A new animated adventure set in the Jurassic World universe is headed to Netflix this year from DreamWorks Animation. Boasting the voice talent of Jameela Jamil, Ryan Potter and Glenn Powell, the series will also be produced by Steven Spielberg.
2015’s Jurassic World saw Bryce Dallas Howard’s Claire and Chris Pratt’s Owen on a dangerous search and rescue mission through the Jurassic World theme park, with genetically engineered super-dinosaur the Indominus rex hot on their heels. If you were wondering what else was happening while Claire and Owen avoided getting eaten, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous has the answers.
The series will follow six teenagers as they go on a dino-packed escapade through Isla Nubar, the fictional island Jurassic World is situated on – and former home of Jurassic Park. We’ll see the adventure campers ‘go from strangers to friends to family as they band together to survive the dinosaurs and uncover hidden secrets so deep they threaten the world itself’, according to Netflix.
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous will premiere September 18th on Netflix. There’s a trailer on YouTube that you can watch now. The series will be 8 episodes.
To watch Camp Cretaceous free, you can use a 30 day free trial from Netflix. While you wait, why not try Amazon Prime Video’s 30 day free trial? You’ll be able to stream thousands of hours of hit content, including top TV shows like Watchmen and popular movies like Knives Out – with Jurassic World available to rent. Check out Amazon Prime Video’s 30 day free trial now.