It has recently been revealed that new series Bridgerton has become the most popular show on Netflix of all time.

It makes sense, then, that the title has been renewed for a second season, with production planned to commence in spring 2021.

The show came attached with initial projections that 63 million people would tune into the major streaming platform to watch episodes in its first 28 days.

Episodes focus on the powerful Bridgerton clan, and various dramas which unfold in England during the Regency era.

Impressively, the series was one of Netflix’s biggest original series launches, landing in fifth place. Furthermore, it’s also number one in the top ten rankings on Netflix in a whopping 76 countries.

In further exciting news for fans, showrunner Chris Van Dusen said in an interview with Collider that, with the book series having eight Bridgerton siblings, there would ideally be eight seasons to reflect this family setup.

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