It’s safe to say that Schitt’s Creek is one of the most popular sitcoms to make it out of Canada on the CBC network.

However, many people have wondered where Schitt’s Creek itself is actually located – and fortunately the answer is available.

When show creator Dan Levy spoke with Buzzfeed News, he eventually revealed that the series films in Ontario, Canada.

As for the specific location, the Rosebud Motel is in Hockley Valley, Ontario. Those who know the Umbrella Academy may recognise this backdrop from one of the previous episodes.

In reality, the property is not a motel in operation – instead, it is a private residence. That said, others have apparently viewed its exterior, and there is also a ski resort in the location to make a trip of it.

Schitt’s Creek is currently available for streaming on Netflix, and there are six seasons of episodes to check out.

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