One of the most popular series in the streaming world this year was the third season of Yellowstone, a show from the Paramount Network.

There are plenty of people who haven’t been able to watch the episodes yet, but the question of which streaming platform currently holds the third instalment is one that’s causing confusion for many.

The series is about the Dutton family, who own the biggest ranch in the US. Kevin Costner plays John Dutton, and the latest instalment sees the future of Yellowstone experiencing some difficulties.

While people will understandably be scouring streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu for the episodes, the third season became available on Peacock from November 22, 2020. It’s also possible to watch the first two seasons there.

As for season 4, online sources confirm that the new episodes have finished filming and they will become available from June 2021 on the Paramount Network.

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