It can be difficult to choose a platform to stream content on, what with the huge choice currently on offer. When you compare streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu, many people end up subscribing for multiple accounts and jumping between them for their favorite shows. But which platform provides the highest quality of TV shows?

Streaming search engine Reelgood provided an analysis to Business Insider whereby five streaming services were studied to examine which one offered the best options for TV shows in terms of quality. The criteria for defining a series as high quality was anything with a rating of 8.0 or higher on IMDB. The analysis revealed that, while streaming giant Netflix has 203 high quality shows, Hulu comes out on top with 213 which fall under this category. The study also showed that, although Amazon Prime Video has the largest selection of TV shows to browse through, the quality is not as high as that seen with its major competitors.

The analysis compared Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max and Showtime. Hulu and Netflix took the top two slots, and these were followed by Amazon Prime Video (142), HBO (43) and Showtime (12). If it’s quantity you’re looking for over quality, Amazon Prime Video has the largest library with a whopping 2317 titles. Meanwhile, Netflix has 1966 and Hulu has 1931.

This news comes after Netflix has dominated the Emmys in recent years, proving that the platform can hold its own with original TV programming without needing to stick with licensing pre-made content for its audience. In fact, 2018 saw Netflix beat out HBO with the most amount of Emmy nominations, which broke HBO’s 17 years in this position. While HBO managed to get more than Netflix in 2019, Netflix still managed to pick up 117 nominations.

However, Hulu has clearly upped the ante with its own original content. Hit series The Handmaid’s Tale won the Emmy for outstanding drama series back in 2017.

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