The spread of coronavirus, or COVID-19, is leading to many businesses wanting their staff to work from home and increasing numbers of people self-isolating. This change of pace has led to discomfort for many, especially as now it is becoming more difficult to get regular exercise.
Even those who wanted to make it to the gym may have found their local branch has closed as a precautionary measure, so how can you get in your workouts while stuck at home? Fortunately there are a number of classes to stream online – here are our top picks:
Make the most of your first two weeks of self-isolation by taking on the 14 day yoga challenge. This series of videos aims to connect mind and body with breathing and physical postures designed to promote an enhanced sense of wellbeing. Find out more here.
If you’re low on time but want to do a quick, high-intensity workout, try out the 15-minute HIIT program. It’s designed to burn a lot of calories and improve overall fitness and muscle tone. Designed for all fitness levels, this workout doesn’t require any equipment, making it easy for those at home. Find out more here.
If the coronavirus spread has led to your local gym being closed, why not make use of the dumbbells you bought months ago and have lying around by doing the dumbbell arm workout? This exercise video is designed for women and is recommended to be done four or five times a week to achieve toned arms, shoulders, biceps and triceps. Find out more here.
BoxxHIIT – The Ultimate Boxing Workout
Boxing fans wanting to keep up their favourite activity at home will enjoy these online fitness classes – and best of all, no equipment is required! You can use dumbbells if you have them, but all you need is yourself as you go through the Shadowboxing and HIIT instruction. Find out more here.

The Calisthenics Boot Camp Series offers a unique fitness experience featuring a number of bodyweight only exercises. They have been designed to increase your strength, build lean muscle, burn body fat and improve your aerobic fitness level. Find out more here.
Fit at 40+ with James Crossley
If you’re aged over 40 and want to find an online workout suited to your metabolism and problem areas, James Crossley – also known as Hunter from The Gladiators – will take you through tried and tested workouts, designed for both men and women. Find out more here.
Easy Workout to Gain Muscle at Home
If you’ve always wanted to gain muscle but never had the time, working from home could be the ideal opportunity. This exercise is designed to be done three times a week for the benefits to materialise. It has been created for beginners who have some weights at home to begin sculpting their bodies. Find out more here.
Forever Pilates: Core Strength and Posture Balance
You can explore the world of pilates from your living room with this online class, which aims to help its pupils improve their overall balance and strength. Both newbies and veterans can enjoy the class at their own speed and enjoy this home workout. Find out more here.
Amazon Prime Video offers over 18,000 movies and more than 1900 TV shows, including highly successful Originals such as Star Trek: Picard and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. The membership fee is $119 per year or just $12.99 a month. What’s more, the first 30 days of the annual subscription are free, and customers can cancel at any time. Find out more here.